March 13, 2005

Obligatory St. Louis High School Blog Post

Just for a change of pace - since, as Fred Hembeck points out, I am a relative man of mystery, here's a little meme I picked up from several other blogs. Read into it what you will - also, if you're interested in a month of free Netflix, leave a comment - Beaucoup Kevin has a similar offer. Enjoy!

What year was it?
1981 - 1985, aka "The Beginning of the Reagan Years" at St. Ignatius College Prep. (Yes, I have a reunion, and I am that old - why do you ask?

What were your three favorite bands (performers)?
The Jam, Early Who (up to Tommy), the Beatles

What was your favorite outfit?
Baseball jersey, jeans, sneakers (had to wear collared shirts and nice pants in high school)

What was up with your hair?
My only defense - it was the years before Supercuts

What did you do after school?
Went home, hung out at Kroozin Music, did homework, and once a week was involved in the Studenz Klub Ignatii, aka "the Polish Club"

Where did you work?
Didn't, unless you count being paid to run errands for Dad. (Sophomore year, however, I did clean the bio lab for work study)

Did you take the bus?
Yes - the 162 from Archer/Kedzie to Roosevelt and Halsted

Who did you have a crush on?
The question really should be...who didn't I have a crush on?

Did you fight with your parents?
Mostly Dad

Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
This really shows my geekiness

Did you smoke cigarettes?
No. Tried them once or twice...and now my job involves tobacco prevention. Go figure.

Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?

Did you have a ‘clique’?
Not quite - our cliques were either racial or biographical (Oak Park kids, River Forest kids, etc). Most of my "clique" were either classmates in my Latin class and/or people who didn't fit anywhere else.

Did you have “The Max” like Zach, Kelly, and Slater?
We had Papa Charlie's, but I have to admit - I never went. Too chicken.

Admit it, were you popular?
A lot of people knew me, but I wasn't usually invited to parties. Of course, my class had a "just-show-up" philosophy of parties, so again, my bad.

Who did you want to be just like?
Groucho Marx

What did you want to be when you grew up?
A famous, best selling writer

Where did you think you’d be at the age you are now?
Wealthy, powerful, and working on my fifth marriage. You have to understand - I had some real self-esteem issues growing up. Luckily, I'm in much better shape.

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