March 17, 2011

My Weekend Plans

DSCN0774 by Gordon D
DSCN0774 a photo by Gordon D on Flickr.
Have to admit, much of my spare time has been spent getting ready for C2E2 this weekend, so most of my content will probably consist mainly of photos, video, and other shenanigans.

Hopefully, I'll be able to hang out regularly at the Comic Related booth - be sure to stop by and say hello to Chuck. He's "good people."

Also, be sure to visit Terry at Third Coast Comics, as well as Graham Crackers, and buy stuff. Tell them Gordon from Blog THIS, Pal sent you!

(Especially Terry - I spent last night mocking people in a bad foam Batman mask. No, don't ask, but he and the guys at the downtown Graham Crackers store are also "good people").

Thanks, and for all those checking out C2E2 - welcome to the greatest city on the planet.

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