One of the great things about writing from Comic Related (besides the fact that, well, I'm well on my way to becoming an "Internet pundit" or "pop culture icon"), is that I get to meet many of the people whose work I admire. Case in point - this year, I attended the Windy City Pulp and Paper con to visit my good friend, Ron Fortier, aka "the guy who helped me learn to love the Green Hornet".
(You can read his most excellent write-up - and see a more current photo of the two of us - by heading straight to this link. Trust me, I'll still be here.)
In fact, while I was there, I decided to purchase one of Ron's other series. (Thankfully, I had won some of his comics via participating in a Zone 4 contest, but I always like to support my friends where it matters - via the wallet). And so, loving the cover (at the very least), I picked up The Boston Bombers.
And I'm glad I did, because despite being a reprint of a series from years past, this is a definite change of pace and probably some of the best comics I've read all year.

(And if you're into more pulp fiction, check out one of the many tomes which Ron and pals release via Airship 27, which reminds me...I should probably purchase one of their Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective anthologies for another of my blogging endeavors)
But that's one of the reasons I'm grateful for being involved with Comic Related - I not only get to interact with a ton of really cool people, but I can claim that a writer who helped spark my emerging love of classic pulp fiction - as well as a significant character - is now a friend.
And if that ain't living the dream, I don't know what is.
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