As many of you are aware, I write a column for the Comic Related site in which I basically discuss, well, comic and science fiction movies, shows, etc. (Basically, think of it as similar to this blog, only with better proofreading on my part).
Anyway, I was flatted to learn via listening that my name came up not only once, but twice, during the very successful (and quite awesome) Nerd Girls Eye View podcast. In fact, their most recent episode has led to a very bitter, divisive conversation on the correct pronunciation of my last name. (Which is spelled in Polish, but pronounced "Lethbridge-Stewart".
And I would, if you haven't already, give them a listen, or better yet, subscribe to their feed. If you need a sample, here's a little video from C2E2:
And so please, visit Comic Related, especially towards the end of next week, when the latest TV Party goes live. Trust me, you'll really dig it.