That's what happens, folks, when you "donate" one of your blog posts to another blog. I'm very happy for the recognition, and I've allowed my Holmesian interested to bleed into my Job Stalker posting this week.
(It's also bled into my gift giving - I ended up giving my godson, pictured elsewhere, a copy of The Complete Sherlock Holmes....which I read as a child. My uncle just received a copy of season one of BBC's Sherlock on DVD for his birthday. Go figure).
On the work-related front, I will be making some arrangements with one client to do some grant writing/fund raising work, and will be getting back into the whole networking/job search frame of mind. Although I have one corporate client, I do want to branch out and see what else I can take on (and possibly, let go). In that regard, I've changed my personal site (and will probably give some more time and work to it), and will revamp my long neglected non-profit social media blog within the next few weeks.
And of course, there is your regular weekly installment of Zone 4. We're sponsoring a contest where if you tell us why you listen, you can be a character in a comic book (And not in a trampled-with-several-others-by-a-giant-lizard kind of way). Please feel free to join us on Facebook and give us a heads up. Here's this week's trailer:
Oh, and one final thing - I'm kinda sorta dating again. Too early to tell, but looking good.