January 13, 2012

Important Personal-Type News

But before I make a formal announcement, I would like to encourage all of you to give Zone 4 a listen....and to follow us on Facebook. It's a great little podcast, focusing on all sorts of great conversation. I think you'll enjoy it (as much as you will enjoy my latest column for Comic Related) and since I gave them the exclusive on this announcement, you really should check it out. Let me post Brant's trailer and you can enjoy a small sample:

But here's my announcement - on February 28th, I am honored to participate in a very special event at Arlington Heights Memorial Library. Please join me at 7:00 pm in the Hendrickson Room for Chicks and Guys Who Dig Time Lords: A Doctor-Who Centric Conversation. We're going to be featuring a conversation with Lynne Thomas, Hugo award-winning co-author of Chicks Dig Time Lords (read and reviewed on this very blog!) , and it's an event that I am really proud to have been asked to help assemble. (Thanks, as always, to Phil and Jeff at Chicago Nerd Social Club). If you want to join us, just RSVP by heading to http://bit.ly/ChicksDigTL. Thankfully, the Library is within walking distance of the Metra Line, so you fellow public transit users will want to join in.

As always, thanks - and now, back to work!