June 22, 2012

Cheapskate Film Festival: BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA

(First, don't forget to check out this week's Zone 4 podcast, as well as a double dose of non-profit/tech action, including Job Stalker)

I've always been a fan of John Carpenter's movies - he's a director who knows his craft, yet always imbues his films with a very smart, pulp-influenced sensibility. Even his more horror-oriented films like Halloween, The Fog, and The Thing have the kind of crackle and spark that most summer movies rarely - if ever - possess.

For today's edition of the Cheapskate Film Festival, I'm going to talk about Big Trouble in Little China, whose two-disc set was acquired from a clearout/discount chain for $10....and was the best money I have ever spent.

Yes, this film wallows both in stereotypes and special effects....but beneath it all, there's an energy and a sly sense of humor. I mean, Kurt Russell channels John Wayne! Kim Catrall actually looks....presentable! There's tons of martial arts action! It's the kind of movie that you may not necessarily want to see on a daily basis, but really has a great spirit about it. It's pulp sensibility is apparent from the first frame.

But enough of my testimonial - please allow me to use the power of YouTube to run a "highlight reel"

Trust me, you don't get better in terms of sheer entertainment value than Big Trouble in Little China. 

It's a classic. You'll thank me later.