June 18, 2012

I Know Cool People: Introducing - Pedro Cruz!

As many of you know, I've written a short (7 page) story for the collected Zone 4 webcomic. (Zone 4, as many of you are aware, is simply the greatest comic podcast ever created. It's as if God himself used Audacity and Libsyn....but enough hyperbole).

I'm grateful (and finally found the time) to announce that I have a really cool creative team. Brant Fowler, my Zone 4 co-host, will be doing the lettering, and a great artist - Pedro Cruz, from Portugal, will be doing the art chores.

I'm really pleased to have Pedro on board - you can check out his work in Airship 27's Jim Anthony: Super-Detective anthologies, as well as Dr. Watson's American Adventure (which I'm reading for Baker Street Blog). His art style hits just the right spot, and will be a great fit for my story - a little something called "Showdown in Jeff City", which tonally is like Josh Whedon casting the Marx Brothers in Firefly.

If you want to check out more of his art, you can visit his blog, his DeviantArt page, or check out Comic Related - they'll be publishing his Mighty Enlil webcomic weekly, and I think you'll enjoy it over leaps and bounds.

(Yes, Pedro is "sponsoring" the podcast. It's part of a cool exchange system, and his art is so good, I'm more than willing to continue talking him up. His art is that good, folks - be sure you check it out).