July 19, 2013

Regaining My Blogging Mojo

Admittedly, for a good chunk of April and May, this blog was relatively inactive: I can - and will - blame writer's block.

That, and some situational matters, some existential (dealing with Dax's passing in the midst of job seeking) and some practical (having to revise some honest-to-gosh-hopefully-publicated-in-books fiction). So for awhile, I've felt honestly drained. But life has me bouncing back (as well as a pretender to the throne), and so I've been revisiting and regaining my writing mojo....

...not just in the sense of this blog, but all around. Here's a quick little summary:

And I've also started a new endeavor, which I'll probably write about....early next week.

I'm back.

Please feel free to distribute this post via social media because not only could I use the traffic....but more importantly, the motivation to write.

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