October 29, 2013

I Know Cool People Revisited: Ron's "No Cash Kickstarter" Campaign

You all know Ron Fortier - he's my cohost on Zone 4, my "boss" when I proof books for Airship 27 Productions, and an award-winning writer. One of my first honest-to-gosh fan moments was when, "back in the day", I purchased Green Hornet # 1 from Now Comics.

Yes, Ron had written that book, and he's currently engaging in a "No Cash Kickstarter" campaign to write the Hornet again.

Currently, Dynamite Entertainment holds the rights to the character, and if you've listened to Zone 4 in recent months.....hoo, boy, you know how I feel about Waid's take. So that's why I'm taking the initiative and encouraging you, dear reader, to help Ron get a gig writing the Hornet.

Simply write a nice, politely worded e-mail to Dynamite humbly asking that they consider taking Ron on as a writer. Think of it - with all the hullaballoo going on in comics nowadays, wouldn't it be great to take some of that energy and channel it towards more positive ends?

Here's Dynamite Entertainment's Contact page - the rest is up to you.