For those of you wishing to have an up-close, personal encounter and/or wanting a non-traditional networking event....this should be of interest.
One of my many newish extracurricular activities is organizing the monthly Chicago Geek Breakfast, and the kickoff breakfast will be this Thursday, March 13th at 7:30 am at the Wow Bao located at 225 N. Michigan (just look behind the escalators on the ground floor). Click on the link above for the three rules of Geek Breakfast (namely, it's free to come, but you're responsible for food/tax/gratuity; you're welcome to Tweet, but with the #chicagogeekbreakfast hashtag; and we don't take sponsorships).
Please feel free to RSVP via Eventbrite (you can choose more than one breakfast), and you can follow @ChiGeekBreakfst on Twitter.
Thanks, and hope to see you there!