With the holidays fast approaching, you're probably wondering what to give that hard-to-shop-for
person in your life....especially at the last minute. In a totally self-serving effort, let me suggest the
gift of
Tall Pulp
Pro Se Productions'
anthology of stories featuring colorful characters from American folklore in a variety of
pulp fiction settings.
Your loved ones will thrill to Greg Daniels as he relates how Mike Fink - the famous riverboat captain - fights Nazis. They'll get a thrill as Nancy Hansen relates her tale of the Leatherman. They can dive deeply into D. Alan Lewis' tale of legendary female pirate Anne Bonny, or head straight into the future with David White's portrait
of Paul Bunyan in the 23rd century. They'll even learn some hidden history as Phillip Drayer Duncan relates the untold legacy of the Bowie knife....
But the most relevant tale in
Tall Pulp
- and this is where the self-serving comes in - is
McCausland, about a metal-skinned man fighting crime in 1950s St. Louis. It's got plenty of gratuitous references to Missouri politics....gangsters....and the Crown Candy Kitchen. It's my first professional sale,and your loved ones will enjoy this and other tales. (Plus, they - and you - can always leave your honest review on Amazon....but I think they'll get a kick out of
Tall Pulp).
Available in both
Tall Pulp is a really good read. (Trust me, I've read the
stories other than my own....and they're
really good). So yes, I am shamelessly promoting this, but
think of it as giving the gift of reading....and you'll gain immediate cool points when your loved one receives
their copy of
Tall Pulp.
So please buy it - you'll insure a great, pulp-flavored holiday. And yes, I am biased in that regard.