February 3, 2015

Surviving Snowmaggeddon 2015: The First 48 Hours

My Reaction to Snowmageddon 2015
It was almost deceptive in its nature, falling as it did in the dead of night...rather than in the early evening, as various meteorologists had predicted.

Early on Sunday, waking up at an hour normally reserved for altar boys, I walked to my living room window and found that the ground had already been coated in white. Without reservation, I put on some worn, need-to-be-placed-in-the-hamper clothes and began shoveling. Within half an hour, I had dug myself a path out of my door, and went back inside.

Within two hours, I had returned to shoveling my path, for it had been covered. (A final resumption at 3:00 pm led to futility).

Sunday was filled with some cancellations (including a trip to Mom) and some must-dos (such as doing the laundry). Thankfully, thinking ahead I had used a vinyl - rather than cloth - laundry bag nestled in my shopping cart. On the way home, making my way through the piles of snow that resulted from city snowplows, an extremely fast driver decided to splash me....from head to toe....and drove off laughing.

(Before you tut - I was close enough to home to get into dry clothes. Except for an excursion to use WiFi at a close-to-empty (though newly built) McDonald's, I kept inside while the storm raged.)

Most of my time was spent watching Jeremy Brett in Granada's Sherlock Holmes, courtesy of my father's DVD collection. Although I had watched it off and on when I was younger, I found myself rather comforted - and impressed - with Brett's performance. (So much so that I continued my marathon into Monday). Writing and editing of various types took place, and thankfully, I was able to survive the storm.

My only other excursion into viewing was this documentary on YouTube. Yes, I watched the show on vacations & days off "back in the day"; it's a pretty interesting piece of viewing....