The past few weeks have been busy: freelance work, finishing a short story (and launching into writing an honest-to-goodness graphic novel!), and other matters have kept the keyboard busy...if not necessarily for this blog.
But this is going to change all that - as I usually do, here's a collection of random sites geared towards highlighting my appearances elsewhere....and driving my search results.
For example, one reason I really enjoy Sean Taylor's blog is that he'll occasionally let me write for it....and here's my advice for balancing work and writing.
I've also been working to get out and about, as one of my most recent Chicago Now posts will indicate.
One piece of news that fills me with pride: being nominated for a Pulp Factory Award. (And disclaimer: despite running the awards, I did not rig the ballot box, especially given one extracurricular activity)
Sean Taylor, Part Deaux, concerning writing multicultural characters.
Heading to Windy City Pulp & Paper in April? Why not check out one of the panels I'm involved with on New Pulp Sunday?
Finally, you may have missed it, but I have a new book out. And if I mentioned it already....well, I'm mentioning it again.