Ten years ago, I packed up, rented a truck, and moved 300 miles from St. Louis to Chicago. It wasn't an easy decision - leaving everyone I cared about behind and moving to help care for Mom - but it was one of the few decisions I never regretted because it had to be done.
In the past month, I've packed up, rented a truck, and am moving my things into storage. I'm also going to move (temporarily) into my mom's apartment while she's ill.
It's a long story, but the highlights are that Mom's been fighting an infection, and has been in and out of the hospital. She's currently in rehab getting physical therapy (and in the middle of everything, we had to transfer her - at her request - because the first rehab place messed up her treatment. Plus, they haggled over a walker).
Why am I posting this now? Because first, I've been away from the keyboard, and am only now settling into a regular writing routine. With some great projects coming up....I need to get back into the writing life.
Plus, I'm looking for more freelance work (you can check out my services here and my LinkedIn profile here), so getting back into regular blogging will not only help me retain those habits...but also keep my search engine results nice and healthy.
And so the next two days, I promise you some Doctor Who series 10 reviews. Just because.
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