January 7, 2006

Selected Shout Outs

First, to the man, the myth, the legend, Fred Hembeck, whose birthday's quickly approaching. For everyone else, please map yourselves, as I intend to throw him a surprise party.

Also, to Eddie at Renaissance Geek and TJ, my Skyway CD Exchange partner - thanks for the tunes. I not only have some cool music, but it also allows me to guiltlessly sell off my extensive collection of Barry Manilow bootlegs to make room.

Just to chime in my two cents on the Frank Miller Pantygate - personally, I suspect that Mr. Miller is slowly - but surely - becoming the Rod Stewart of comics writers. If you need me to explain the analogy, please say so in the comments.

Andy shares with us things you'll never hear Dr. Phil say. (And please, if you need entertainin', hire him. I've seen him live. He's funny, and in a very intentional way)

Finally, proof positive you can watch too much Star Trek.

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