And if you're one of a lucky few, and come up with a good question, I will send you....some freebie that I pilfered from a health fair! Maybe it'll be a notebook, maybe a pen...who knows?
Also, you will get to hear your questions read out on a podcast - no area is off-limits! Whether it's general information or some embarrassing personal question, you can ask away, either by writing it in the comments or e-mailing it to me at blogthispal (at) gmail (dot) com by June 20th (or a week from Wednesday)!
Just a few minor rules:
- First, a limit of three questions per person. This includes you, Mr. Green
- You are welcome, if you have the technology, to e-mail me an mp3 of you asking your question aloud. Please. It will make it easier.
- You are also welcome to post this notice and spread the word on your regular blog, if you're lacking content.
- Again, nothing's out of bounds. Nothing.Got a question about comics? Ask. My personal grooming habits? Ask. Anything in between? Ask.
Thanks, and we now return you to our regular blog.