August 29, 2007

Firefox Bookmark Clean Out!

Yes, dear readers, it's that time again - where, in lieu of actually putting together a halfway decent narrative, I attempt to impress you with a collection of randomly assorted links.

First, thanks to Roger, I have been "Blog Interviewed" (at least, I think) - please feel free to vote for me. If you do, you can name your price - anything from housework to cat sitting to a "night of sin", if you are so inclined.

Me, attempt to bribe my readers? Nah. I think I win, like, a tote bag if I get a good number of votes, or something.

Oh, and the picture of Power Girl? Completely and utterly gratuitous. My love of Darwyn Cooke's artwork notwithstanding, I have no problem pandering to the lowest common denominator.

And here we go!
Hey, if Mike can have dirty, filthy hippies on his blog, I can have singing kitties on mine.

Now playing: foodisnotlove - THREE THE HARD WAY
via FoxyTunes