August 10, 2007

How Rude of Me!

I've been so busy with whatnot and sundry, I have been forgetting my manners. First, I wanted to introduce some new blogs to the blogroll (and if I've forgotten you in this list, please make a note):
  • Thoughts from an Empty Head - Steven linked to the infamous "Open Letter to Joe Quesada" awhile ago; he does mostly pop-culture type stuff. Plus, he owns a genuine sonic screwdriver. Hence, the link.
  • Comics Oughta Be Fun - Don't let the fact that he's a little stuffed bull turn you off - Bully is probably the best comics blogger out there. Sharp, witty writing, a great sense of humor, with a spirit that reminds you of why you love comics in the first place - you're only hurting yourself if you don't read this blog.
  • Life and Debt in Chicago - Thanks to the good taste of Tony Collett, I was introduced to this blog. Think of it as your guide to beating cheap...which everyone knows, I'm all about the penny pinching.
  • Always Bet on Bahlactus - Because he would whomp on me royally if I didn't link to him.

Given my recent choice in reading material, followed by preparing for the next Sunday in the Village, consider the attached photo my gift to you.

Yes, I'm feeling cynical about politics, why do you ask?

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