November 14, 2009

5 Reasons Las Vegas Needs A Comic-Con

Recently, I found myself listening to pal Chuck's podcast, the Related Recap, in which he discussed why he felt Las Vegas should have a Comic-Con.

Now, maybe NaBloPoMo fever has taken over, maybe it's the repeated playing of KISS' "God of Thunder" on my mp3 player, or even the fact that I'm attempting to drive traffic to my column when it's published on the 15th....but taking my cue from another, better blog, here are five reasons I think there should be a full-on ComicCon in Las Vegas.

  1. Two words: Andy Martello. Two initials and a last name: P.J. Perez. I'm seeing some serious potential for a comic-related Ocean's Eleven-style caper. (That's Frank Sinatra, not George Clooney, by the way. And I'm Dean Martin, by the way). Vegas just seems to scream "forbidden fun". Speaking of which...
  2. Due to certain activities being legal, some comics nerds will be better able to defy stereotypes. E-mail me for details. I'm not going into it here. This is a family blog.
  3. If Mom can go to Vegas, why can't I? Yes, my parents went to Vegas years ago. Of course, my mom also got a new liver. I think it's time for me to head to Vegas.
  4. It's close enough to LA to allow those who can't attend San Diego to partake in the fun. Think of it as a way to make things more fair. And finally....
  5. Imagine some comic geek betting his copy of Detective Comics # 27 on the roulette table. Just that image alone would be worth the visit....
So, enough of my caffeine-induced ramblings. Who's with me?

1 comment:

Pj Perez said...