One group of fans is attempting to do an entire series of episodes, and "Fire and Ice" - the initial episode of Doctor Who 2009 - really

Ultimately, would I download the next episode (titled "Guardian of the Solar System)? Yes, I would. Very highly. And without spoiling - the ending packs a real emotional gut

However, I really like Doctor Who: Victimsight a lot more - so much so that I thought it would easily fit as a Tennant special. (Graham Seeksma patterns his Doctor after Tennant's, but there's a little bit more punch in the performance). Partnering with a local policewoman, the Doctor finds himself (falsely) accused of murder, and ends up with a very unique punishment. Much like "Fire and Ice", it's a well-written episode, with some strong direction, an intriguing premise, and a classic series reference that, admittedly, I didn't see coming.
(As a public service, I'm embedding the entire video at the bottom of this post, although the link above will take you the main page).
This is an interesting time for Who fans, but both of these films provide a great outlet. For those who enjoy Tennant-era Who, Victimsight is a fan film that could easily fit as a 10th Doctor special. For those interested in another, slightly more alternative take in the Doctor, "Fire and Ice" serves as a great alternative take for Doctor Who's next series.
Both are definitely worth your time.