November 30, 2009

End of NaBloPoMo/Cyber Monday Shopping Party

When I started this endeavor, I had no idea of whether I could succeed or not. In fact, I'm writing this post on November 1st, not only to cover myself, but because - let's face it - whether I succeed or fail, someone bet that either I would post all 30 days...or that I would choke by November 12th. With the holidays coming soon, and today being "Cyber Monday", I'm looking to make a little green myself.

I don't care to do this too often, but as many of you know, I have an Amazon affiliate store through an old web site that I used to run. (And at some point, I will need to transfer merchandise over). But anyway, if you're looking to avoid the hassles of shopping, overslept through the overrated Black Friday, and/or have found something really cool through this site - why not order through Buy THIS, Pal!? Full disclosure: I do get a small percentage in return, but that's used for domain registry, podcast hosting, and used entirely for the blog.

In addition, on this post only, I'm including a search box - if you're looking for that special gift, check it out. It's easy, safe, and even helps me provide for my loved ones. Especially Mom, who as you all know, received a new liver, and that means she needs expensive electronic devices.

But this holiday season, why not make it a little easier on yourself? In addition, you are more than welcome to post this on Twitter, Facebook, or the other social media interwebs. Nothing will come of it, but you know what?

It means that I'm one blog post closer to 30 in the entire month of November. So there.