Another very important self-promotional post - mostly because I want to not only encourage people to go, but to also help spread the word.
First, as you may have read previously, I am lucky enough to be participating in a live discussion about Doctor Who with Lynne Thomas, Hugo Award-winning co-author of Chicks Dig Time Lords. It's a book of essays about women who like the show...and I think we're going to have a great evening. We're going to be holding the event on Tuesday, February 28th, at 7:00 pm, in the Hendrickson Room at Arlington Heights Memorial Library. So far, we have plenty of people signed up, and this is an event you do not want to miss. To RSVP, just simply head to and let us know you're coming. In fact, you can even call me out on not liking fezzes, and be sure to order some DVDs and help support the blog. (Yes, I'm switching to another affiliate program, and ordering DVDs will help offset domain and other costs of the blog).
On a much more down-to-earth note, Chicago Net Tuesday is holding part one of a two-part series on web analytics and non-profits. (Keidra Chaney, who is a great presenter, is kicking it off in style). So please spend Valentine's Day discussing....well, stats and info. Our next Net Tuesday meeting is on February 14th at Tech Nexus, located at the southwest corner of Adams & Wacker. However, since it is a secure building, you will need to RSVP first - just head to and say "yes".
Hopefully, if I play my cards right, I might be able to parlay my various interests into a paying gig...but until then, it's freelance ahoy! (Or "the new new name for this blog")