I was doing some general online searching around my name (purely out of ego, you understand), and found a wiki containing some Doctor Who crossover - and other - fan fiction that I've written.
Fifteen-ish years ago, I participated in a series of round robin writing of Doctor Who crossover and "past Doctor" fiction. (Hey, Paul McGann threatened for a brief shining moment to be the new David Tennant). So I'm offering, in slightly incomplete form (some sites/writing have been taken down; others seem to be lost in the ether). I'm doing this not just to document these efforts (which I think are pretty decent, given their obvious fannishness), but to provide some cheap laughs.
I decided that, rather than identify these excerpts by name, I would choose what I think is the most clever quote. Please feel free to suggest your own. Enjoy!
- Never play chess with an Osirian
- Depending on who you ask, these Time Lords are either a race of omnipotent superbeings, a politically corrupt race of powermongers, or a bunch of aliens with *way* too much time on their hands.
- "I don't know if you know this,
but those were trying times. We were trying to stop a virulent, poisonous
belief system..."
"What - that maybe instead of rich and poor, there were people who had their basic needs met? That power is best shared rather than horded? Yes, that is a poisonous system...to those in power."
- If no one has or will ever be here, then how come a youngboy and a big robot beastie are heading this way?
- Remember:when you hunt, do not hunt the lowliest of creatures; hunt something thatmay hurt you as easily as you can hunt it