After a great, productive meeting about a potential business venture - and with four potential freelance gigs in the hopper - I decided to play hooky last Friday afternoon and saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Of course, this has had a knock-on effect on my writing, mostly because I want to gain some SEO juice when people search for Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
For a much more detailed review, please check out the write-up on Comic Related. It does infinitely more that I could on the blog.
(Not that this blog's anything to sneeze at, mind you)
Since part of this effort is to clean up from (essentially) an online harassment campaign two weeks ago (without pointing fingers - someone decided to discredit me, posting a very nasty press release in my name and claiming that I love spam. Although the second thing is true, the first isn't, and thankfully, I was able to get that nasty stuff removed). However, using Tuesday's new episode of Agents of SHIELD as a basis, I wrote about online resources for checking out non-profits for Chicago Now.
Also, the Zone 4 podcast is celebrating its fifth anniversary, and we're putting out a call for a female co-host. (And for the ladies - I apologize for some of the rather, well, inappropriate comments. I didn't have my morning coffee, and I apologize).
Finally, I'm gearing up for both C2E2 and Joss Whedon: A Celebration in May - scroll down on the Facebook evite for the Whedon event and read what Paul Booth wrote about me. Really cool.
Until next time, stay out of trouble, kids.