May 17, 2015

Coming June 1st: Dreamer's Syndrome - New World Navigation

I'm glad that I'm finally able to announce that, coming June 1st, my short story "When Angels Fall" will be published in Space Buggy Press' Dreamer's Syndrome: New World Navigation anthology.

The Dreamer's Syndrome universe (created by Mark Bousquet) has a very simple premise: one day, everyone wakes up to find themselves doing what they wanted to do when they were ten years old. In fact, the entire world has shifted its landscape, so entire areas can be Wild West territory, superheroic utopias....and everything in between.

In Los Angeles, a failed screenwriter wakes up to find himself a hard-boiled detective. In fact, he finds the corpse of an angel in his office, and....well, that leads to a case involving demonic rituals, power struggles, and a former heroin addict turned cartoon bear.

(Yes, you read that correctly - a heroin addict turned cartoon bear)

It's a story I'm particularly proud of writing, and am grateful for its inclusion. (Yes, I'll be writing another Where Stories Come From post closer to publication). 

If you're interested in reviewing this book, contact me and I will provide the appropriate contact information.

Yes, it's official - I've been published twice. Maybe I should see a doctor about that.

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