May 26, 2015

Post Memorial Day Blogaround

It's the day after Memorial Day...and yes, I've been busy writing and doing actual paid work. (Which has meant that there's been little attention paid to the blog, but has done wonders for launching my marketing consultancy). However, think of things as starting to crank up for me....with potential grist for the mill for this very blog.

It's official - with the impending release of Dreamer's Syndrome: New World Navigation (now availble for pre-order!), I now have my own Amazon Author page. Anything I've written (and which is available for purchase) will be posted on the site. Please feel free to check it out....

...and if you read my Chicago Now blog, I've announced that I will be participating in Chicago Care's June 27th Serve-A-Thon. Between this and preparations for Chicago TARDIS, I will have a slightly more active next few months (but one without the stress of "where's the next job gonna come from"....even though my current gig's temporary, I've been laying the groundwork for more work).

I'm also quite glad to get a mention to pal Roger, who celebrated his 10th blogiversary earlier this month. Although I admire a guy who can blog once a day - every day - I'm glad that I can take pride in my own writing efforts, which have expanded for the better.

So all in all, pretty good stuff. Now, I just have to remember to write here about it once in awhile....

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