Although I really don't talk much about it, I am a big fan of the 33 1/3 series from Continuum books. For those not in the know, they regularly have an admission process where people are encouraged to submit proposals for future books, and often make public calls on their blog (which is worth reading if you love music).
Although it took awhile for me to put together, I managed to squeak dangerously close to the December deadline, and my proposal for a record I reviewed two years ago made their long list of submissions. Unfortunately, I won't know until about March whether it's "official", so I'm going to make a promise to you, the readers of this blog (and to my colleagues over at The Comic Treadmill, who are big Parker fans):
- If I make the cut, I'll announce it on this blog, and will be sure to blog regularly about writing of the book, promotional opportunities, etc. I'll even create a widget, and may ask you to help promote it via good old-fashioned word of mouth.
- If I don't make the cut, I have the promotion uploaded on Google Docs - it's rather lengthy, so I may choose to publish it there and link from the blog rather than upload it to the blog.
That's awesome, Gordon! I'll be thinking good thought for ya. :-)
The must pick you!
Quick, get us the names of the other 649 candidates and we'll take care of things for you.
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