OK, normally my cynicism would kick in, but since James Robinson is writing the issue (and I admit, I love his work on Blackest Night: Superman...a lot more than his work on Justice League: Cry For Justice), and rumors have stated that it would feature a "Black Lantern Starman".
Now granted, there aren't too many candidates, as many of the men who used the name "Starman" are still alive (and will be alive in January), including:
- Thom Kallor, aka "Danny Blaine" aka "The Kingdom Come Starman via the 1970s LSH"
- Mikal Tomas, who is part of JL:CFJ, and who will be a semi-regular player in Robinson's Justice League of America
- Will Payton, whose essence seems to be inhabiting the body of Prince Gavyn; and
- Jack Knight, who is now happily living in SF and whom Robinson states will not be coming back to the role.

However, my personal favorite for being the Black Lantern (Can I sound even more obnoxiously fannish?)...is Ted's eldest son, David Knight.

Why, you may ask? Here's a guy who always felt like he needed to step in his father's footsteps, and when he meets the Will Payton Starman....loses the title. Then, he manages to get shot on one of his "first nights" of patrol, and although magically becomes the Starman of 1951 (see photo at right). Granted, it's only for a few months...and then he's sling-shot back into the night he was shot. When Jack would "visit" once a year, the only consolation was that David was the only color character in a black and white realm.
(For those who don't follow comic continuity....uh, don't ask. It's rather complicated).
But here's someone who would have that little bit of resentment - the Starman that "never quite made it." Although Jack was glad he wasn't the "greatest Starman ever", David never quite had his time in the sun. He was always, at best, a third stringer (in his mind). That kind of turmoil - of never having that potential - might be more ruinous to Opal City than if his father returned as a Black Lantern.
And having written two blog posts on this, I realize....I need to get out more.
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