July 1, 2010

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It....

As many of you know, since I am a single male with - let's face it, so significant other - I spent an inordinate amount of time volunteering for noble causes, hoping to find....that significant other.

But enough of that - what I wanted to do is take a little bandwidth and talk about a cause that I am helping with - and by "helping with", I mean, "running the Facebook page".

That cause is, of course, the American Red Cross and the upcoming "Mission: Red" Fundraiser.

Mission: Red is a fundraiser that will be held on September 24th, but with a difference - it's an experience auction. Unique experience packages will be available for some lucky individual to purchase. And all proceeds go to the Chicago Red Cross.

For example, you can bid for lunch with an actor from a famous TV show. Take you and a date on a helicopter ride to Milwaukee for a Brewers game. In short, there are some cool opportunities for someone to not only have a great experience...but help a great cause, the American Red Cross.

So, Gordon, how doI help?, you may be asking, dear reader.

Here are a few suggestions:
  • If you're on Facebook, visit the fan page at http://www.facebook.com/MissionRed. If you're planning on attending and/or need to practice your mad Facebook skills, like the page.
  • If you are not in the Chicago area and cannot come, please feel free to Tweet/Facebook/blog about Mission: Red. Pass the link on because quite frankly, we would love to have some strong support.
In all honesty, this is only the second year the Chicago Red Cross has put on this event....but quite frankly, it's a unique idea, and one which I'm surprised nobody's thought of before. Yes, I have a vested interest...but for those of you who read this blog regularly know that I tend to support causes that truly help people, and I think this is one that deserves it.

So please, feel free to spread the Facebook love about Mission: Red, as it will do two things:
  1. Keep me from writing the obligatory "I-hate-Wonder-Woman's-New-Costume" post; and
  2. Encourage me to step away from the keyboard and engage in a social life.
Thank you for your patience; we now return you to your regular blog.