However, I am proud to announce that I am adding another outlet to my ever-growing portfolio. And it's one that I am not only proud of, but am really eager to participate in.
I will be a semi-occurring contributor to the Baker Street Blog, which focuses on Sherlock Holmes in popular culture. Fortunately, I'll be focusing on the intersection of Holmes and entertainment - yes, there will be the occasional foray into comics, but I've started off writing about Holmes in the theater.
Also, this blog is affiliated with the quite excellent I Hear of Sherlock podcast, which also discusses Holmes and popular culture, but with a decidedly academic edge. I won't be involved in the podcast; just wanted to make that available.
It's funny that I'm getting involved with this - much of my recent interest in Holmes has been reawakened both by participating in this Stanford-sponsored reading experiment, as well as watching my father's collection of Jeremy Brett DVDs.
Don't worry - I'm not leaving either this blog or Comic Related any time soon. Just expanding my parameters.
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