Quite simply, not just the best Doctor Who Christmas special we've seen in awhile, but a really grand kick-off to the 50th anniversary.

Thankfully, though, the Doctor finds himself impressed with a barmaid by night, governess by day, and the chemistry between Matt Smith and Jenna Louise Coleman simply crackles. Without spoiling, by episode's end....we see some tantalizing hints of what may happen (including the obligatory "Coming Soon" trailer), but there's a playfulness between that two that really helps make Coleman's character stand out, and not seem as if she's another "Amy Pond wannabe."

(Trust me, if you've been reading this blog, you know what I'm talking about).
There's been a great deal riding on this Christmas special, as it does (somewhat unofficially) lead into the 50th anniversary celebrations - and the rest of the season will prove to be one driven by a central mystery. (It's cleverly spelled out at the end of the episode, and I won't spoil - it's worth watching unfold before your very eyes). In all honesty, The Snowmen is one of the more pleasant surprises of the holiday season.
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