Although I really liked Love & Mercy - a film about Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys - I have to admit a huge personal bias.
In my college days, I was fascinated with the story of Brian Wilson and his "therapist", Eugene Landy - so much so that it influenced my decision to become a therapist. (Think "someone doing right rather than someone doing wrong"). So my own personal biases may be coming into play, but even so, Love & Mercy
One of the strengths of the film is how it uses two actors to play the same character at different points: the mid-1960s Brian Wilson (Paul Dano) struggling through creating Pet Sounds in the midst of his oncoming psychological burdens, and mid-1980s Brian Wilson (John Cusack) as he struggles with dealing with Landy (Paul Giamatti) and falling for Melinda Ledbetter (Elizabeth Banks).
Now, there will (and have been) the obvious this-is-a-biopic-that-gets-the-details-wrong criticisms, but Love and Mercy is not a docudrama.... it's simply a drama. Much of the film's strength comes from how it depicts how Wilson created in the studio - it's worth watching just to hear the wonderful Pet Sounds backing tracks - as it does the love story between Wilson and Ledbetter. The script never falters or descends into easy cliche, and some of the images are simply outstanding.
What makes Love & Mercy deliver are the performances - Paul Dano really captures the essence of the younger Brian Wilson: a boy always seeking approval for the unusual sounds he hears in his head. (And whose descent into mental illness is just as harrowing). There's a wonderful love of the early Wilson, and when the film documents the creation of Pet Sounds - usually simply through backing tracks - you get a sense of why the album is so highly regarded. But it's John Cusack - an actor I thoroughly dislike - who embodies the more mature Wilson so effortlessly. Yes, there are some obvious tics, but never loses charm at the expense of eccentricity.
Elizabeth Banks provides a great moral center for the film, being supportive of the elder Wilson without descending into any of the usual biopic stand-by-your-man clichés. (Wilson's first wife also comes across as very warm and amenable). Even Giamatti's portrayal as Landy never descends into cliché, yet still has a strong, almost intimidating power.
Although I'm not an Academy Award watcher, I am thoroughly surprised that Love & Mercy is not one of the more nominated films. (Granted, they have their own issues with the nomination process right now). However, Love & Mercy is a must-watch: a powerful film that provides a great viewing experience that never descends into the usual mechanics of its genre.
Seriously. See this and then buy Pet Sounds
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