May 15, 2006

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Hard to believe - two years ago, I embarked on the wonderful adventure of blogging. Who knew that I would be the Kato Kaelin of the comics blogiverse? (OK, so the first post didn't happen until the 16th - but let's be honest, is it ever too early to celebrate?) In that time, I've met my near-twin, encountered one of my childhood idols, became obsessed with this show because of this gentleman, met some fellow travellers across the pond, but most importantly, discovered a whole bunch of people who not only share a love of graphic literature, but are more than willing to share that love. A lot. Even to the point of being annoying.

So, in that spirit (and reiterating a post from earlier), you are more than welcome to enter the first annual "Blog THIS, Pal! Graphic Novel Giveaway and Celebrity Fish Fry". First place is a copy of Evan Dorkin's Fun With Milk and a special commemorative mix CD. (Because - let's face it - comics without music is like kugelis without sour cream). But wait - there's more!

Three second place winners will receive a copy of the CD and a....mystery prize. I mean, a 25% chance of winning - who could beat it?

All you have to do is
  1. E-mail the title of your favorite post(s) of the past two years (from May 16th, 2004 until May 12, 2006) from this blog by May 30
  2. Tell me why you feel it's worthy of nomination
  3. Your name and mailing address.
That's it - I'll select the best entry and it will be featured on this very blog! Plus, you get free stuff - what a deal! (More details can be found here)

So come on - tell your friends. Post the info. Spread the word.