January 3, 2013


(FULL DISCLOSURE: a screener DVD was provided gratis for purposes of review. My opinions are my own). 

One of the more disturbing aspects of American culture (including popular culture) is the duality of our opinions and perspectives - we celebrate those who achieve, yet will denigrate those who do not try 'hard enough'; we will worship mediocrity while complaining about a lack of excellence; and we will publicly renounce resources that we privately enjoy.

I'm talking, of course, about pornography, and writing this post is a little challenging - I'm writing about a great documentary entitled After Porn Ends, and because of one single word, my view rates will go through the roof, but people will click off this post when they see it is not porn, which is a shame....because this is one of the more fascinating documentaries of recent years.

Focusing on the lives of former porn stars, After Porn Ends discusses adjustment to life after working in the field. Thankfully, the documentary takes neither an excessively moralistic or judgmental tone, allowing former (and current) porn actors and actresses to comment honestly about their lives, their motivations for entering "the business", and the impact on their lives after their careers ended. Be warned - there are some very NSFW moments in the film, but the ones that are the most moving....are the ones that rely solely on visuals.

The actor who has regret in his eyes over not having a "normal" life. Random shots of children's toys laying around a room. A woman with her husband and child. The kinds of images you would not normally associate with pornography, but that seem all the more vulnerable, revealing...and naked.

As with documentaries like this, there are some well-needed perspectives, mostly in balancing out some of the more traumatic stories with those that are a little more settled. But  rides a critical edge, revealing more about the motivations of industry participants - and their ability to live with the implications after leaving the industry - without engaging in black-and-white thinking.

After Porn Ends is one of those rare documentaries that not only moves you, but encourages you to think a little differently about an industry outside of the mainstream. Regardless of your positions about porn, you will find a great deal with value about this documentary.

After Porn Ends is available on DVD and Netflix streaming, and well worth viewing.