August 30, 2013

Bagman, Batman, and Books

I love it when things begin coming together: had a couple of really good interviews, possibly leading to paid full time and/or freelance work. (Especially since two phone interviews have now turned into an in-person meet-the-team interview, complete with paperwork!) Not complaining - still in it to win it.

But I am glad that one of the many side projects I worked on is available for purchase. When pal Ron asked me to to assist in editing The Bagman Vs. The World's Fair for Airship 27 Productions, I thought it would be a great chance for me to develop some other professional skills....but I have to admit that it was a challenge, because B. Chris Bell does a great job of writing. So please, click on the title and order this book. (If you approach me with a copy and ask nicely, I'll sign it; if you approach me with it on an Android Tablet, I'll...steal the tablet. Honest).

Also, just a bit of a warning on this week's episode of Zone 4 - there's plenty of offensive discussion, most notably around Ben Affleck. Also, some profanity. But mostly, it's offensive conversation around Ben Affleck, and we also make some pointed remarks towards Mark Waid. Just sayin'.

(And I'm also proud that, even in the midst of my own burgeoning writing career, I have a personal best - I've made the almanac of super networking articles!) And hopefully, my midlife renaissance will be in full bloom, or something.