To think that it all started in high school AP English class....
That's when I first saw Citizen Kane....but more importantly, was introduced to the talent of Orson Welles.
I remembered him (at that point) as more of the "Paul Masson wine" guy - you know, the fat man who would sell no wine before its time? But after that point, I was....well, much more open minded...
Then I saw The Third Man
But on this 100th anniversary of Orson Welles' birth, I am choosing to celebrate not with reminisces....but with some choice selections of Wellesian fare from this very blog.
- The Ballad of Harry Lime, which is all about The Third Man;
- The Many Lives of Harry Lime, its radio (or "audio drama") spinoff;
- The Stranger, one of his lesser known (but really good) films;
- A review of the recently released My Lunches With Orson; and
- Some various Welles-ian tidbits (including the infamous Pinky & the Brain sketch)
The best tribute I can give to Welles is to point to his work. Enjoy!
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