You know, I have to admit that I've been relatively inconsistent in blogging regularly - mostly, I've been overscheduling myself. Although I considered doing Nanowrimo again this year, thanks to a timely intervention (as well as a need to earn my blogger stripes), taking my cue from another, better blog - here are five reasons why I'm posting 30 blog posts in 30 days:
- Many bloggers I respect do this on a daily basis: If bloggers that I like and respect such as Roger, Mike, Rich, Siskoid, and a cute little stuffed bull named Bully can blog daily, then gosh darn it, so can I! (And if you're a close personal friend who blogs daily whose name I failed to mention, my apologies).
- Easily avoids libel suits - Because let's face it, if I'm going to write a novel, people are more than likely to believe that I'm basing characters on them. Especially if I write about a dashing, handsome young troubleshooter named Norman Pynorowski.
- It's relatively easy to do with little time commitment - in short, thanks to being able to schedule blog posts, I should be able to do 30 in 30. And if I'm doing a novel, quite frankly, it's much more time intensive.
- I can "repurpose" old material - all those old ideas that I have in my Moleskine notebook can actually be written...and I can follow up on old posts. Including a "lost" post that will make its debut in the next day or so.
- I need the bump in traffic - in short, this (hopefully) should build up web traffic, because if there's anything this blog needs, is more readers. At least, more readers whom I can acquire without using naughty words in blog post titles.
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