July 14, 2012

An Open Sourced Review of REVOLUTION OS

As a volunteer community organizer for Netsquared, I get to work with a wide arrange of people in the tech field. (Remind me some time to talk about the startup I'm helping launch). I've always been an advocate of Open Source software, and I'm frequently challenged to find the best way to explain the issues.

Thankfully, this was done back in 2001, with the movie Revolution OS, which focuses on the "rise" of Linux. Granted, it's a one-side, no-frills documentary (meaning that at times, it can be a bit painful to watch), but as a basic introduction to open source and free software....it's rather entertaining. (Had I seen this before converting a Panasonic Toughbook into an Ubuntu-driven computing machine, I might have converted all of my computers over).

And thankfully, it's on You Tube....and I've embedded it for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!