The other news is that....well, for those of you who didn't know, I have been doing some proofing of pulp e-book reissues for Radio Archives, and was fortunate enough to see that one of the books I proofed has just been "announced" for release. Thankfully, they have been keeping me busy....but one of you might be interested. Let me post the little blurb they send out for your information:
Radio Archives is seeking motivated, excited people to help us proof our eBooks. The team is working hard and we currently have a backlog of 100 eBooks that need to be read and any errors corrected before the eBooks are published.If you have a love for classic Pulp tales as well as a good grasp of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and basic formatting, then you may be just the person we're looking for! Send an email inquiry to for more details!
And now, after a lengthy intro, here's a list of blatantly self-promotional items:
- Come listen to the most recent episode of Zone 4, where we talk about Marvel NOW! (and the even more impressive news about Airship 27's new Captain Action book)
- My latest piece for The Baker Street Blog
- Hey, look - a Job Stalker post!
- If you haven't already, please RSVP for next Thursday's Chicago Geek Breakfast at Wow Bao. Come hang out, talk geek, and basically enjoy low-key networking.
- Also, please RSVP for Learnapalooza on July 21st, if you haven't already. I'll be teaching two classes, and you may dig either of them.