May 8, 2005

Monday's Comin' Like A Jail on Wheels

Today, alas, is the last day of my vacation - tomorrow, I get to go back to the office, catch up on paperwork, and head into a busy, busy week. However, there are some valuable lessons which I learned in the past few weeks, and which I would like to share with you, dear readers:
  • My mojo is fully functional, thank you very much - now, all I need to do is be able to work it with women of my choosing, and who are available (marital status and otherwise).
  • Thanks to Free Comics Day, I am sampling some alternative fare, and just purchased Invincible # 0. If you missed out, here are two opportunities to get into the groove!
  • Yesterday, also received two "bags of fun" for "weekend plans". At least, that's what the agency told me. Again, if my mojo worked in the right time and place....
  • Book recommendations: if you can, check out The Cheating Culture, as well as The Immortals. As for me, my next must-reads are Fortress of Solitude (since the author's reviving Omega the Unknown for Marvel) and Lost in a Good Book (which, if it's like Fforde's first book, treats English literature with Geoff Johns' fanboy continuity mentality and Douglas Adams' humor and whimsy).
  • I got to see both Svengoolie and Bill Jackson (aka "BJ"), in the same week. For a Chicago television fanboy, that's pretty darn close to nirvana.
  • After watching Kill Bill Vols 1 and 2 back-to-back, I have to say...they both hang well together, but Tarantino was smart to release them as separate movies. Plus, Volume one includes the Green Hornet theme - awesome!
  • Blogs are fun reading - thanks to Zombie Killer for one recommendation, and for several others for the other.
  • David Lynch is capable of making a straightforward, normal, G-rated movie that isn't cloying and that respects your intelligence - here's proof.
Until next time, remember - always appreciate what you have when you have it, because you might not have it anymore.

And don't forget to floss.

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