April 27, 2012

A Pulp-Flavored Weekend

As you may suspect, I will be spending most of my Saturday at Windy City Pulp and Paper Con, hanging out - and having good natured arguments - with Zone 4 co-conspirator Ron Fortier. (Followed by dinner with a St. Louis pal that evening). Yes, people, even though I have some freelance possibilities up in the air (my main one awaits funding; another awaits formal notification; comics work is still being performed), I'm still making my rounds out and about.

Speaking of "out and about", please be sure to check out this week's episode of Zone 4 - it's a great C2E2 recap, and quite honestly, it's always a lot of fun to record. Plus, you'll hear my professional jingle (which contains banjo - according to experts, banjo music makes any commercial impossible to ignore. I'll let you provide any further commentary or insight)

Sunday night, I will also be out and about, practicing some of the grooming tips I propose in this week's Job Stalker when I attend the fundraiser for egen.tv at Highball Lounge, located at 738 N. Clark. As many of you know, I co-host the impressively awesome Bar Tab of Rassilon (soon to be followed by the meetup imaginatively titled The Latte of Rassilon). But for those of you who are interested in attending (and/or making a donation on Indiegogo if you cannot make the Sunday night event), here's a great video explaining things in detail:

So please - feel free to share this post in your social networks, because getting me out of the house and socializing with others is always a good thing.